Tuesday, January 3, 2012

blog title explained.

it's been fun for the past few years to create a motto for the upcoming year. a resolution of sorts. 2010 was "friends again in 2010." that year was dedicated towards reconciliation and repairing broken relationships (kinda heavy....) but 2011 was "match made in heaven in 2011." unfortunately 2011 wasn't as successful as the previous year. sigh.

2012 is rough...there's only two words that even rhyme with twelve.
i'm toying with "into the present i will delve in 2012."

justification: i've noticed that i'm always making decisions based on how (i think) things are supposed to go. as if there is a life rule book that states the order your life is supposed to follow:
1. childhood (playing without a care in the world)
2. adolescence (learning how the world works)
3. teen years (experiencing the extremes of love and hate)
4. college (figuring out what you actually believe)
5. single life (making it on your own or struggling to do so)
6. career (finding a passion hopefully sooner than later)
7. marriage (learning to compromise)
8. parenthood (learning to be selfless)
9. home ownership (spending more responsibly)
10. mid life crisis (spending less responsibly)
11. empty nest (falling in love again...with your spouse)
12. grandparenthood (doing all the things you didn't do in stage 8)
13. sandwich stage (taking care of aging parents and grandkids...without grumbling hopefully)
14. retirement
(doing all the things you wish you had done during stage 5 but you didn't have the money for)
15. living independently in your home until you die peacefully in your sleep (wishful thinking)

but what if i stopped and just embraced the life stage i was in....instead of living in anticipation of the next? or counting the amount i have fallen behind my friends? and what does it really matter if they go out of order....i mean....it doesn't right? 8 can come before 7 (i'm not referring to the accidental kind). and 10 can certainly come prematurely....

so this blog is dedicated towards chronicling stages five, six, and nine. because that's where i am....and i'm pretty sure i love it...i just haven't allowed myself to, until now.


  1. Nice job, Karin! Hey - you can cheat on your annual theme...like "The best to you in twenty-one-two! There are a lot more words that rhyme with two than twelve :)

  2. thanks! never thought of that....you are always thinking outside the box auntie julie!

  3. I know how tough it can be when you are milestones behind your friends. I realized, just as you are, that there is no right path to follow. Follow your own path to happiness! I read a quote that hit home for me. "The grass is not, in fact, always greener on the other side of the fence. Not at all. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you may be." Embrace and love where you are today!
